Saturday, April 10, 2021

Can YOU Go Without?

When I'm in Mozambique, coffee shops with "to go" cups don't really exist in my area, so I usually have coffee at home, thanks to the always available Ricoffy - the best instant coffee on that side of the world.  

When I'm state-side, my favorite coffee places are local coffee shops. Living in Northern Colorado right now, I love the variety of coffee shops that we have. Coffee is definitely one of my favorite drinks, especially when it's cold outside and the need for caffeine is extremely high first thing in the morning. And let's face it - life gets busy - so sometimes it's coffee out and lunch out, especially when I'm working. 

I think it's safe to say I spend money on stuff I could take care of at home, that we already have. Coffee included! 😁 I think this is something most of us have in common - we get busy and we have to keep going so we eat on the go, drink on the go, and sometimes spend money without really thinking about it, all in the name of the game to keep going. 

My habits have made me reconsider my actions & spending, and start taking control of where my money goes. I want my spending to reflect my values. 

Imagine this - we are currently working on creating a school for our children in Mozambique that will meet their uniques needs. And it's a big undertaking, and I often wonder - what would going without a $5 coffee REALLY accomplish in getting the school built? This very question really opened my eyes...

If I took just 3 days each week and skipped my morning coffee outing, that would be an average of about $15 - if I invested that $15 into our school project, I could help buy almost 2 sacks of cement. Those 2 sacks of cement could make almost 100 blocks to help create the building where our kids will learn and thrive, at their own pace, with more one on one attention, and a much greater chance of being successful at school and in life. 


If just 50 people could go without 3 of their favorite coffee drinks for ONE week, we would have 3/4 of the blocks needed to build the school. Incredible how something so small can make such a MAGNIFICENT difference if we link arms and work together. 

So I have a proposal....For the month of May, will you join us for a "31 DAYS WITHOUT..." campaign? We'll send out an idea every day with how you can do without something simple, small, and mostly insignificant, and turn it into something LIFE CHANGING. 

Link arms with us, and let's get to work! Our children deserve a shot at life, with an education that meets their specific needs, that helps them to overcome the challenges they face due to past trauma & past experiences that have negatively impacted their ability to learn. 

We will have a sponsor for each week of May who will help to match your donation and make your lack of coffee dates or dinner dates even MORE worthwhile!  

Watch for an important update in the next week with information on how to pledge, text to give, or Venmo  your life-giving support for "31 DAYS WITHOUT." Like, comment and share on your social media and let's get the word out about how we can all do SOMETHING to give the beautiful gift of life-giving education. 

Can't wait to link arms & GO WITHOUT for the month of May!

Laura & All of us @ Heart for the Needy


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