Sunday, March 18, 2012

His name is "Provider - Duh!"

So I had a great God moment the other day that I just can't get out of my head! I posted a quick note on Facebook that we needed some help with creating a logo and not 20 minutes later I jumped on the computer to get some info on taxes I had been working on.

I easily get distracted by other "stuff" on the computer - for example, I will read someone's blog or I will get back on Facebook or check my email or get on Ebay...the list could honestly go on and on. And for some reason, I felt like I needed to get back on Facebook AGAIN. I was thinking about a good friend that lives a long ways away - in Kenya! - and I wanted to drop her a quick message. As I finished up the message to her, I noticed that I had a message in my inbox.

I had sent a few notes out that day so I didn't really think anything of it. I clicked on the message and it was from an awesome friend I went to high school with. She explained to me that she was still living in Durango, and she is weeks away from opening her own graphic design studio in our very own Durango! I couldn't even begin to image what that meant.

This lovely lady is Lindsay Ellis and she has offered her services free of charge. I tried to bribe my Facebook friends with a gift card but she wasn't even close to interested! She wants to help and donate her time and talents! I was in awe of God;not 20 minutes before I was stressing about website design, our printed materials and our logos that need to be done before the end of April! Yikes!! And, for those of you that know me, computers and artistic design are certainly not some of my strong suits!! So needless to say this was an AMAZING blessing from God. How good is HE?!!

This is only one small example of the billions of little things that God has done for me in my life. He has moved many, many other mountains and has provided for me and my family in ways I never could understand or even begin to imagine! I am so grateful that God is the ultimate provider.

What about all of you? What is a great story about how God has provided for you in your life? Please share:)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What makes us different?

Our board of directors has been doing a phenomenal job over the last 2 - 3 months. I am continually blessed by how much effort each one of our board members puts into our meetings and retreats. We had our first official Heart for the Needy retreat in January. And let me tell you - it was awesome!!

The retreat especially reminded me that God has orchestrated this whole thing for us. We are always being "provided" for in every way, not just monetarily. God has given us some of the most amazing people I know on our board. He knew that we needed someone very organized, just as much as he knew that we needed someone with experience being board members for nonprofits. Honestly! One of these days I will introduce each of them to you and tell you how amazing they are! Without each of them we would have no board and definitely no orphanage.

The retreat also brought something else to light that I had never really thought of. One of our board members (I told you they are brilliant!!) was able to explain to anyone why we are doing what we are doing, and how we are going to make a real difference in Mozambique, and Africa. He said, "What makes us different is that we leave kids in their communities."

Now, that phrase will need a lot of explaining!! Because both Philemon and I are not natives to Mozambique, it will be very difficult for us to ever allow adoption from any orphanage we help in Mozambique. Locals will see it as us "selling" their kids so we can get rich. I KNOW how amazing adoption is, and trust me, there is nothing more God-spoken in the Bible than to care for orphans. But, because of our situation, this may never become a reality. I DO believe God can move mountains, and maybe after we have established ourselves in Mozambique the communities will see that we are only trying to give these children a better chance at life.

In the mean time, I think this factor actually really sets us apart. While a child needs ALL of the love and encouragement that he or she can get, we can use this set back to grow the communities that we will be working in. How amazing would it be to help kids learn life skills AND book knowledge AND God's word! They could change their countries! They could literally change the world!!! This "set back" is certainly NOT what I first thought. Just like many times before in my life, Romans 8:28 reminds me of who God is: "All things work together for good for those who love God."

I can't wait to get back to Mozambique! Both Philemon and I have been praying that God will give us the knowledge, wisdom and courage to follow through with this dream that He has put in our hearts. I know God will provide if we are willing to be obedient!

Speaking of missing Mozambique - I thought I would throw this out there! Philemon and I will be heading to Mozambique October 17th - 30th. If you would like to know more about this trip and what we'll be working on, stay tuned!! We will also let you know about our upcoming appearances in both the Farmington, NM, and Durango, CO, communities!! We can not wait to share with our communities what God had planned for us!

AND...well, I will save that for next time! Well, ok, I'll give you a little teaser...or maybe not:)

Be Blessed!