Monday, November 21, 2016

Break Through

The clouds look like a dark blue cotton candy, fluffy and soft. But they are just threatening and I keep praying the sky would just unleash the rain we desperately need. It doesn’t. The pattern continues – they clouds move together, dark and BIG, threatening to rain; the wind begins to howl, violently blowing dust into the hot, thick air. We race outside to pull the clothes off the line before they end up in the red, sandy dirt. The temperature drops slightly and then suddenly, the wind stops and the threatening rain never comes. The lightening and thunder continues for a few minutes and soon, the silence returns. In the morning, the clouds hang around for a bit, and then the heat & sun burn them away.

The lack of rain reminds me of anxiously waiting for a break through in life. It seems like the break through is coming and then…nope. It doesn’t work out, the break through doesn’t happen, and you’re left impatiently waiting.

The weather reflects exactly how I feel at this very moment. Everything we need to happen quickly isn’t working out. Our own efforts aren’t working because everything we are waiting on is out of our own control. We feel like we can help push things to happen – like the few things left to do so we can move into the children's home. The plumber keeps running away, our blocks aren’t ready so we can’t finish up the fence, and the water isn’t running in the house yet because once again, the plumber can’t seem to work a full day.

All of these things are so incredibly frustrating. We were hoping to be IN the children’s home this last weekend. We were hoping to at least be in the first floor, available 24 hours a day, watching over everything so the consistent theft we’ve been experiencing might actually stop for a while. But it’s not working out in our own time. Each day it seems like it will be weeks or months until we can get into the home and start preparing for the kids who will become ours.

While we know there are only 3 major things keeping us from moving in: sewer system hook ups, water hook ups, and raising our fence higher, it’s becoming difficult for me to have any kind of patience. I’m becoming anxious and I can’t seem to chill out. I’m trying to keep myself occupied with our end of year giving campaigns and Giving Tuesday that’s coming up next week, but it just isn’t enough.

As I was doing my daily Bible study (that I don’t normally get done DAILY) yesterday morning, I came across this Nelson Mandela quote:

Okay – reality check. It’s my CHOICE to feel anxious and annoyed that everything isn’t going my way. This is not some set fact that I have no choice in. I have the choice to make the most of the situation. Maybe God is allowing this time for me to rest a bit and to stop worrying. And, the world doesn’t revolve around us.

Yes, our motives aren’t because of something selfish – we want to prepare the home to receive kids who are orphans – but it’s not about our own timing. Waiting is really difficult but there is always a lesson to be learned during those frustrating times. I’m learning that I’m not as patient as I think I am, and I need to work on this. I’m also learning that it makes no sense for me to be focused on something I can’t control. Focus on something else!

So while we wait for the plumber today, I’m going over to visit our neighbors. One of our neighbors had surgery for prostate cancer and he’s doing really well but he’s not eating much. Another neighbor is fighting AIDS in its advanced stages & we're working together to make a plan for her children when she is gone. Another neighbor has a daughter with malaria who doesn’t seem to be getting better after multiple trips to the hospital.

I already know what’s going to happen when I go see my neighbors – I’ll forget that I’m annoyed. We’ll talk and they’ll laugh and correct my crappy Portuguese, and then I’ll ask questions, ask about their kids, we’ll talk about the weather and how the year is quickly coming to an end. They’ll tell me about those who are sick and in need, those who have lost children or relatives. And I’ll try to pray for them in Portuguese, I’ll end up praying in English, and then we’ll part ways. At the end of the day, I won’t remember how frustrated and anxious I felt this morning. And I hope that’s what happens because it’s not about me. 

Here's to making choices based on my hopes and not my fears - or my bad attitude. 


Phil & Laura, and Jadon, too 

Monday, November 14, 2016

Waiting in HOPE

I’m sitting here at the dining room table, trying to get some paperwork done and I HATE it. Yes, HATE. Paperwork is a four-letter word in my mind. Ewwwww. I just can’t deal with it.  So what do I do instead of doing the paperwork I’m supposed to do? I check my email, and then, oops – I get on FACEBOOK.

That app is like the worst thing that ever happened to me. I need it to stay connected to the world and to communicate to the world how we’re doing here in Moz, but man…I waste a lot of hours stalking people, staring at cute babies and pictures of puppies and reading articles & recipes of stuff I’ll never make or find the ingredients here to make. Distracted much?!

I think it’s easy to be distracted when you don’t want to face reality. I don’t LIKE doing paperwork, but it MUST be done or there are serious consequences, both here in Moz and back in the States. Paperwork is just something I’ve never liked. I LOVE writing and journaling but actually filling out forms & answering cookie-cutter questions is so NOT my thing. But isn’t that SO similar to how this last week has felt? There are things happening around us that we MUST do but we don’t LIKE doing it, and many of these things are totally out of our control. Ugh.

Prime example: Cooking dinner. (YOU totally thought I was going to say something that rhymes with “Shmesidential Shmelection,” didn’t you?!) When you’re EXHAUSTED and it’s really HOT like it is here, turning on the oven just doesn’t seem right. But if you have a tribe of hungry ones on the verge of melt down mode, you light that stove and get to cooking, right? Well, at least I do because there’s no Pizza Hut around here!

I guess my point is this: there will always be things we don’t like and we don’t want to deal with. There will be times when we all feel frustrated, tired of waiting and tired of the crap that goes on in this world. There’s a lot that we cannot control, and that can be one of the most frustrating parts of a difficult season.

Recently, we’ve been experiencing a lot of things that are not in our control, but directly affect us. We’ve had a lot of construction materials stolen and with the exchange rate being very high, the cost of replacing these items is outrageous - three to four times what we paid for the same item only a few months ago.  

We’ve had some things taken right in front of our eyes, even when we thought we were being very vigilant. We have a team of builders who live on site, and there is still theft, almost daily. It’s something we can’t really control because there’s no way we can see everything that goes on until we are able to move in and be around the house ALL the time.

WAITING is also something neither of us deal well with and we’ve been waiting for almost a MONTH for the social action office to come and do a quick inspection. It’s not really even a REAL inspection – it’s more of a formality. But every 4-5 days, the director makes an appointment with us and then can’t make it or doesn’t show up. In his defense, the guy is SO busy and I feel for him, but waiting is difficult and annoying! I guess we’re learning patience.

So even though we’re mostly ready to move in - most likely by the end of the week, we have to wait on the social action office. And we’ll continue to wait, expecting to hear from them soon, knowing that we’ll get there. This is one of those things we don’t like to do, we don’t want to do, but we have to wait. Sometimes the reason we WAIT is because we’re being protected from something or we’re being propelled into something better than if we had JUMPED immediately and rushed through the process so we can have what we want, NOW.

In this time of waiting, we’ve had the ability to spend time doing what we LOVE – spending time with PEOPLE - with our construction team and with our neighbors. We’re taking this interim time to seek out anything we’ve been missing out on during our season of business and building. And it’s good, guys.

After this crazy week, take some time to WAIT. Sit back and look around you and look for those things that you might be missing when you’re too busy or too tired to see them.

Do me a favor – WRITE THIS DOWN! Take some time and log out of social media, shut down your email (after you read this!) and then listen. What have you been missing out on what you need to do or want to do? Write down something that you need to do during those seasons of waiting or frustration, especially if you're currently in one of these. Go see your neighbor, call someone you haven't talked to in a while, cook a meal for a friend, take your wife out for a glass of wine, make your hubby breakfast in bed. Then just chat – don’t talk about politics or what’s going wrong in this world. Just show some love and you’d be surprised how much hope you have when you’re finished.

Speaking of HOPE – help give our community HOPE by making a contribution to Heart for the Needy on Giving Tuesday, coming up in just 2 ½ short weeks! Learn more about Giving Tuesday HERE. If you haven’t already partnered with us, now is THE time! Help us finish preparing for the kiddos we will bring in and help us get a jump on our funding needs for 2017. You can give any time at, via PayPal!

AND – don’t forget every donation is TAX DEDUCTIBLE! Do some end-of-the-year giving AND get that tax deduction – we all win!  

We are in this waiting season for only a short time, and we love that you are walking alongside us, cheering us on. Often times, your encouragement and prayers are what remind us to keep going. It’s not always easy and we won’t pretend that it is. But we know that we have so many of you fighting for us, and we are overwhelmed
by your love. Please don’t stop loving us – we can’t do this without you.

 While we wait,

 Phil & Laura, and Jadon, too

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Wait, October's over?

Well, hello there, it?! Just so November is aware, I'm in complete denial that you are here. Just FYI. Because if NOVEMBER is here, it means our team from the U.S. has already come and gone, just like that. POOF - here. BAM - gone. Did I miss something? Did they really come and then leave already? I feel like maybe I had a dream that our team was here and then I woke up and it didn't really happen.

Community outreach to families fostering children
But as I look back on the month of October, they definitely were here. I keep finding pictures of us with the team of 3 (including both my parents, Keith & Barb, and our friend, Marisa), finding little pieces of evidence in Jadon's stuff - seashells, Lego pieces, new clothes, new shoes - and we have some how acquired this amazing coffee from 81301 Coffee Roasters (Thanks Mark & Shelly!!), all the way from DURANGO, CO! So clearly, I've finally accepted that I wasn't dreaming and they were actually here - 10,000+ miles from their cozy little town.

Now that I'm slowly coming out of denial, I'm moving towards acceptance and realizing their trip here was a HUGE step for this organization. We were able to show a group of people our hard work, God's amazing provisions & grace, and the people who we serve each day. They were able to take away their own stories, learn the faces & names of the children who are suffering, and meet others who have the same passion and goals in mind - to prevent children from becoming orphans & eliminate the need for orphanages all together.

Giving beans & rice to families supporting orphaned children
Each team member was able to make their own case as to why this ministry and work in Mozambique is so important. They saw the water, the electricity and the soon to be children's home. They met our team of builders, our friends, our church family, and they became connected forever. This team became part of this great story, a great story full of failure, joy, success, peace and LOVE. This story is a great story because the Author loves us so surely, so deeply. He writes beautiful pages that often contain our horrid errors and lack of faith, but He knows that we are a beautiful mess because we are His.

Watching God knit this story together has been one of the most beautiful, trying, frustrating, faith building and life-giving experiences I've ever had. And now, three other people have witnessed the unfolding story that God started years ago. His timing is truly impeccable.

If you're wondering when we'll FINALLY move into the children's home and start operating, just know that we are CLOSE. We are about 2 weeks away from moving in. We start the inspection process and licensing planning tomorrow with the local social action office, and then we'll go from there.

Windows, doors & water - all that's keep us from moving in! 

Stay tuned for why November is a really BIG month for Heart for the Needy - it's historically the month where God surprises us and works HUGE miracles on our behalf. We know that November 2016 will be no different and we are expecting great provisions for 2017 from this month alone.

Keep walking alongside us as we get our heads back on straight and start into the next phase! And if it's been a while since you've heard from us, please understand this season has been difficult in more ways than we care to explain. We've experienced every possible human emotion, sometimes all at once and sometimes all in the same day. BUT! We know God is using every moment, every experience to prepare us for the years to come in Mozambique.

You'll soon get to hear more from our team and their experiences here in Mozambique. Follow us so you don't miss out!

Can't wait to get started in this next phase!

Tired but BLESSED,

Phil & Laura, and Jadon, too

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

4.5 WEEKS TO GO...

Decking the house, stolen phone, blistered hands, bruised legs, hand carrying blocks by the thousands, flat tire, new builders, broken truck, sore feet, tired back. Lots of laughter, some dancing, tears of thanks, cries of frustration, lots of caffeine, driving school, stolen truck battery, too much sun, not enough Jesus, 30 happy kiddos, a team of amazing friends, working night and day, without complaint. Quick trip to the beach, a stomach bug & fever from Satan himself, and a great reminder from God to REST.

Doors are going in! Tiles are up next...
This basically sums up the last 8 weeks. We're so tired and so overwhelmed and yet we've never experienced such joy, peace, hope, and love for each other, this community, this project and this country.

Every single day is full of problems of its own. Nothing is ever easy here and yet all problems come with fairly simple solutions - one has to only open their eyes! Like a flat tire - a few minutes and less than $0.25 later, and you're back on the road.

The last month has been full of so many ups and downs, it's like riding on a roller coaster without a harness. But we have more than survived and conquered a huge set of tasks. In the last 6 weeks, the house has gone from looking like a foundation with a bunch of walls to looking like a HOUSE.

The first floor of the building was decked the middle of July, allowing us to start the 2nd floor walls a few days later. The 2nd floor is now just a small beam away from being completed, and then the roofing will start later this week! While the 2nd floor is almost ready for roofing, the bottom is getting its finishings on - plastering of the walls, tiling of the floors, and finishing up the electrical work & plumbing.

AND - We are just 4 1/2 WEEKS away from receiving our first TEAM from the U.S.!! And we couldn't be more excited!! Our visitors are helping to push our team to get the house (mostly) ready.
This is Phil's best attempt at protesting going
 to driving 6am...every freaking day..

We are working around the clock to make sure we are (mostly) ready to start operating as well! Our team from the States may very well be the first team to help us accept our first children into the Project Little Feet Children's Home!

We are excited and blessed beyond belief. How is this all happening so fast?! God has been so faithful over the last year - yes, we've already marked a YEAR in Mozambique. And now, we're seeing this dream come to LIFE - a tangible, growing vision that took a little faith, a lot of help, and a ton interventions from God.

Now, we are entering a new phase. In a few short weeks, we'll have a beautiful, functional home to welcome abused and abandoned children into a new life. But a building is just that - nothing more than blocks and cement and iron. We want to make this house into a HOME. Will you help us make this house a comfortable, inviting, child-friendly home, where our little ones can heal and enjoy a bit of childhood?

We need everything from beds & sheets to toys & tooth brushes, plates & cups and a fridge & oven. (A washing machine would be a dream come TRUE!!)

We'll be putting together a list of items and the cost of each. (Sign up for our weekly email on our Facebook Page - HERE.) Get together with your workout buddies, work friends, community group, Bible study, or church, and sponsor an item or a whole room!

You can also host an event - a run/walk, cycling event, lemonade stand or "give" your birthday to Heart for the Needy! There are so many great ways to raise awareness AND help us make this HOUSE INTO A HOME!!

This journey is far from over - we're really JUST getting started. And we couldn't have done it without your love & support!

Please pray for us as we prep for our team and the opening of the children's home. We know that everything will work together for good.

May God bless your socks off this week!!


Phil, Laura and Jadon, too

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

True Colors

Our land has been sold. This is real. It's over. Now we have to start ALL. OVER.


At least that's what I thought when we first arrived. We had only been in Mozambique for about a month when one day in September last year we arrived on our land to take some measurements to get the paperwork started for the building licenses. And sure enough, there was a small locally made house from mud bricks, and a little family living on our land. A few hours later, we found out that the community land secretary had actually given 2 plots of our 8 to a Congolese businessman. 

I know - you're probably like "what?!" How do you just "give away" another person's land?! Well, this is Africa - the continent where lawlessness is normal. Even when you do things the legal way, you can still have your land sold or stolen. This is just the way it is.

Anyway, we talked to the family living on our land and asked them how they ended up here, who the "owner" might be and how we can solve the confusion because it is not their land. We explained we are an NGO and we are preparing to start building the beginning of 2016.

We found out the family was acting as the guard for the Congolese man, and the guard's name was Fernando, or Nando for short. We slowly got to know Nando's family - his wife, Manjuma, and 3 beautiful daughters. We learned about their struggles - often times we would show up and they hadn't eaten since the day before.

Nando & Manjuma - very serious! 
As we slowly solved the confusion around our land being given out, we agreed that Nando and his family could stay. Neither of us could bare the thought of sending away a family of 5 - where would they go?

We prayed about it, and we decided the best thing to do was to let them stay, at least for now. This was a huge risk for us as we had no idea who these people were, and suddenly, we became responsible for the whole family. We didn't know if they were good people, if they would take advantage of us (which happens to most foreigners here) or if they were honest, hardworking people. We prepared ourselves for the worst and hoped for the best.

We're now approaching a year of being in Mozambique, and Nando has more than proved himself to us. Each day he tends to the coconut trees, keeps an eye on the supplies in the storage unit, makes blocks for our fence, helps unload supplies from the truck and generally helps our construction team however he can. When there is a major problem or an urgent issue, he comes straight to the house to talk to us.

The test of his true character happened last week. Nando and one of our new bricklayers got into an argument. The new bricklayer only speaks English and another tribal language, so he doesn't understand Portuguese or the local dialect, Makhuwa (Ma-koo-wa). After a misunderstanding and a broken pillar, the other worker slapped Nando across the face. None of our other workers were present when it happened, and it was extremely early in the morning, around 4am, so we also were not present when the incident occurred.

When we heard this story later in the morning, we were shocked and very upset. How can anyone just slap someone because they're frustrated? If that was the case I'd be slapping people everyday as I struggle to get a solid grasp on this language!

We were upset. We were a little taken back. We were scared & worried. You see, whenever there's an argument or a problem on your job site, even if you weren't either of the parties involved, you are responsible for what happens on your job site. Period. And as foreigners, we are often the target of exploitation - we are seen as a way to make a quick buck. It's the reality of how our friends here have been oppressed for hundreds of years - its the direct effect of oppression.
They laughed when I told them they were too serious.

Immediately we confronted the offending party and Nando saw our support of him and our anger for what occurred. We asked Nondo to come with us to make a police report when a sudden and angry mess of confusion broke out. Nando's brother intervened and began causing a lot of confusion and frustration, shouting and making demands in Makhuwa, many of which we couldn't understand.

Before we knew it, the brother was whisking Nando away and making threats to bring the police and have the offender arrested. We knew that as soon as an arrest was made, there would be some kind of investigation and we would have to stop building. That is typical here - complications come to the extent that we would have to stop work on the building until the 2 parties go to court and "solve" the problem. But our workers jumped in on our behalf and talked to Nando.

After 2-3 hours of talking, we were finally able to get the two men to talk; with some help of a translator, Nando concluded that the best thing to do was let it go. He understood that if the police came to the job site, everything would stop. He later decided he didn't even want to make a police report even when we encouraged him to do so;  he said he just wanted to let it all go.

A little less serous! 
WOW! We were shocked by his character and willingness to forgive. He knows our hearts - we don't condone that kind of behavior - and he also knows his rights, but he chose to let it be. The next day, he was back right beside the very man who slapped him and was mixing cement for him. Talk about letting it go! He even said, "I already forgot about it!"

Nando & Manjuma are a blessing to us. We appreciate their honesty and hard work, and their friendship. We consider them family and we try our best to learn from them both as we work together. Hopefully, our relationship will continue in this manner.

Will you pray with us that God will continue to grow them as leaders in our area? We want the community to see how Nando behaved, and how it is possible to show forgiveness, even when he had the right to do so much more.

Peace & Blessings,

Phil, Laura and Jadon, too

True Colors

Our land has been sold. This is real. It's over. Now we have to start ALL. OVER.


At least that's what I thought when we first arrived. We had only been in Mozambique for about a month when one day in September last year we arrived on our land to take some measurements to get the paperwork started for the building licenses. And sure enough, there was a small locally made house from mud bricks, and a little family living on our land. A few hours later, we found out that the community land secretary had actually given 2 plots of our 8 to a Congolese businessman. 

I know - you're probably like "what?!" How do you just "give away" another person's land?! Well, this is Africa - the continent where lawlessness is normal. Even when you do things the legal way, you can still have your land sold or stolen. This is just the way it is.

Anyway, we talked to the family living on our land and asked them how they ended up here, who the "owner" might be and how we can solve the confusion because it is not their land. We explained we are an NGO and we are preparing to start building the beginning of 2016.

We found out the family was acting as the guard for the Congolese man, and the guard's name was Fernando, or Nando for short. We slowly got to know Nando's family - his wife, Manjuma, and 3 beautiful daughters. We learned about their struggles - often times we would show up and they hadn't eaten since the day before.

As we slowly solved the confusion around our land being given out, we agreed that Nando and his family could stay. Neither of us could bare the thought of sending away a family of 5 - where would they go?

We prayed about it, and we decided the best thing to do was to let them stay, at least for now. This was a huge risk for us as we had no idea who these people were, and suddenly, we became responsible for the whole family. We didn't know if they were good people, if they would take advantage of us (which happens to most foreigners here) or if they were honest, hardworking people. We prepared ourselves for the worst and hoped for the best.

We're now approaching a year of being in Mozambique, and Nando has more than proved himself to us. Each day he tends to the coconut trees, keeps an eye on the supplies in the storage unit, makes blocks for our fence, helps unload supplies from the truck and generally helps our construction team however he can. When there is a major problem or an urgent issue, he comes straight to the house to talk to us.

The test of his true character happened last week. Nando and one of our new bricklayers got into an argument. The new bricklayer only speaks English and another tribal language, so he doesn't understand Portuguese or the local dialect, Makhuwa (Ma-koo-wa). After a misunderstanding and a broken pillar, the other worker slapped Nando across the face. None of our other workers were present when it happened, and it was extremely early in the morning, around 4am, so we also were not present when the incident occurred.

When we heard this story later in the morning, we were shocked and very upset. How can anyone just slap someone because they're frustrated? If that was the case I'd be slapping people everyday as I struggle to get a solid grasp on this language!

We were upset. We were a little taken back. We were scared & worried. You see, whenever there's an argument or a problem on your job site, even if you weren't either of the parties involved, you are responsible for what happens on your job site. Period. And as foreigners, we are often the target of exploitation - we are seen as a way to make a quick buck. It's the reality of how our friends here have been oppressed for hundreds of years - its the direct effect of oppression.

Immediately we confronted the offending party and Nando saw our support of him and our anger for what occurred. We asked Nondo to come with us to make a police report when a sudden and angry mess of confusion broke out. Nando's brother intervened and began causing a lot of confusion and frustration, shouting and making demands in Makhuwa, many of which we couldn't understand.

Before we knew it, the brother was whisking Nando away and making threats to bring the police and have the offender arrested. We knew that as soon as an arrest was made, there would be some kind of investigation and we would have to stop building. That is typical here - complications come to the extent that we would have to stop work on the building until the 2 parties go to court and "solve" the problem. But our workers jumped in on our behalf and talked to Nando.

After 2-3 hours of talking, we were finally able to get the two men to talk; with some help of a translator, Nando concluded that the best thing to do was let it go. He understood that if the police came to the job site, everything would stop. He later decided he didn't even want to make a police report even when we encouraged him to do so;  he said he just wanted to let it all go.

WOW! We were shocked by his character and willingness to forgive. He knows our hearts - we don't condone that kind of behavior - and he also knows his rights, but he chose to let it be. The next day, he was back right beside the very man who slapped him and was mixing cement for him. Talk about letting it go! He even said, "I already forgot about it!"

Nando & Manjuma are a blessing to us. We appreciate their honesty and hard work, and their friendship. We consider them family and we try our best to learn from them both as we work together. Hopefully, our relationship will continue in this manner.

Will you pray with us that God will continue to grow them as leaders in our area? We want the community to see how Nando behaved, and how it is possible to show forgiveness, even when he had the right to do so much more.

Peace & Blessings,

Phil, Laura and Jadon, too

Monday, July 4, 2016


HOME. The food, the smells, the sounds, the people. All of these things make up the nostalgia of being in the most comfortable places we love and long for - that place we like to call HOME.

We have a lot of homes. We have several homes in Colorado, including my parents home. That house is our home. We have had a lot of memories in that house, but more than anything, the sights, sounds and smells are in that home. But the people - they make the house into a home.

The 4th of July is obviously one of those times when being at HOME is so important. Spending time celebrating the freedoms we have with those that we love, with tasty food and crazy activities & games that act as a catalyst for making memories we'll not soon forget.

We are celebrating our first 4th of July in Mozambique, and I'll be honest - today I miss HOME. Its a cool and drizzly day here, with temps in the low 70s, which is almost cold to us! We miss some of the comforts and the freedoms. Its not necessarily that I miss being able to get a cup of strong coffee while I lazily drive through in my car - although that was a nice convenience, or the washing machine that quickly & efficiently spews out clean clothes.

More than anything, we miss the relationships, the faces of the people who helped make this dream come true. Instead of sending a Facebook message that says, "Hey, thanks once again for giving us money to keep going," I'd love to hug the people who haven't stopped giving. I'd love to sit with friends and explain the insane ways that God has brought us out of many troubles, many issues, and how He is changing the lives of many people here. I'd love to tell you how our neighbors were enemies and now they have miraculously become our friends - maybe on another day!

But we can't have it all, can we? This is our dream and we're living it! When we are in the States visiting, we'll be able to get in the hugs, relate the stories more personally, and show the appreciation & love we have for helping us make this happen.

Hope you all have a fantastic, safe 4th of July! Thank you to all of our military families that have sacrificed so much so we can celebrate the freedoms that we often take for granted, the freedoms that allow us to go across the globe and know our country still has our back. Our family is forever grateful for those who have sacrificed so much for the good of our country.

Enjoy some good bbq and beer for us!


Phil & Laura and Jadon, too

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Experts? Doubt it...

"We've been extremely busy working to get this house completed."


"This has been an awesome month of progress!"

Delete again.

These are the only sentences my fingers have been able to type for the last month or so. My hands and my mind refuse to work together with my heart. Until now, I didn't really want to explain what has been on my heart for some time. But I think it's time.

My heart is so heavy with grief and I think we need to have some real conversations about what is going on in this world. Whether a first world, developing or 3rd world country, we can't move an inch without hearing about another tragedy and another and another. And after each one, these are the common themes I see coming to life: Shaming. Blaming. Lots of talking. Very little listening.

I can't blame these reactions on anything specific because then I would just be part of the problem. This type of behavior has been YEARS in the making. We've become a culture that is quick to judge, quick to speak, and slow to study, contemplate and listen. We, as a culture, have encouraged free expression without cautioning our society of the consequences of speaking without listening and considering the other side.

Social media has also become a means of expressing ourselves without considering the consequences of our harsh, judgmental, neatly-typed words that don't have to be spoken to anyone's face. We simply sit back and wait for people to respond on their tiny screens, using their tiny keyboards, and often replacing their conscience with their mouthy, know-it-all-13-year-old self.

Seriously. I've met so many experts recently: gun law experts, LGBTQI+ experts, zoo experts, gorilla advocates (for those in captivity, anyway), child abuse advocates, child welfare system experts & advocates, Islamic religious experts, rape experts, black history experts, criminal & anthropological experts, psychological and social experts, parental experts, moral and religious experts, alligator scientists, child behavior experts, Disney World lawyers, and the worst shaming and blaming experts of our time.

When I see people behaving this way my mind raises with questions, like: How can you hatefully comment on social media about something you know nothing about? If you're not a parent, how in the world do you know anything about parenting, much less how a child can disappear right before your eyes in an instant? How can you comment about rape and someone else's body when you have never been victimized? How can you say there is no such thing as white privilege when you haven't lived in the skin of a person of color? Do you even have any friends of color? How can you be infuriated by one religious group when you don't even know the violent history of your own religion? How can you constantly point out the speck in everyone else's eye and ignore the plank in your own?

The simple answer is this: social media has allowed all of us to be free of the consequences of what we speak behind our little devices, so we say things we would rarely, if ever, say to someone's face. We don't have to be accountable to anyone or anything, and we don't have to stop & listen before we respond.

So what do we do? I'm not sure what the correct answer is. All I knows is THIS has to STOP.

We can't grow and move our world forward toward peace when we are quick to point fingers, quick to get into arguments and quick to berate a person or group of people based on the actions of one or few.

Let's do something different. Let's do the opposite of what social-media-land (and regular media - don't even get me started!) tells us to do. Let's stop having online arguments and get back to in-person, one on one time. Let's stop plastering every opinion we have all over every outlet we can find, and start having discussions with one another. Let's start learning something new and let go of our desire to constantly be right. Let's remember that some people have experienced AWFUL hurt at the hands of people who claimed to stand for something good, and their experiences have shaped the person they have become. We should be quick to offer grace and not judgment, to offer a listening ear and an open heart.

Let me put it this way: Jesus hung out with just about anyone - the low life's of the world, the arrogant religious leaders, prostitutes, tax collectors and everything in between. There was no one too big or too small to be in the presence of our humble Savior. He never demanded they change, but Jesus' personal influence in their lives was a major contributing factor for many of them to make changes. And the RELATIONSHIP with Jesus started it all.

For example, my best friend, Jessie, has always been an amazing athlete. Anytime I hang out with her, even now, I always go home feeling more inspired and motivated to eat better, exercise more and take better care of myself as a whole. My relationship with her is so real that she can tell me like it is and it's not a problem. We can be real with each other because we have built a trusting relationship and I know she has my best interests at heart and vice versa. We relate on a trust level that I don't have with many people - and because of that trust, we can call each other out when we're wrong and we can advise each other out of love and not selfish motives.

So I'm taking a note from Jesus on this one: it's about relationships. Our electronic lives have taken a lot of personal face to face time away from us, and it's more important than ever that we use this as a turning point and get back to making relationships a priority.

I'm committing to this - to get back to creating connections the old-fashioned way - in person. We can spread a whole lot more love and truth through relationships than by fueling a destructive fire online that seeks to kill and destroy the hearts of those who have been unfairly judged by people who don't have their best interests at heart.

Or, maybe this is just a lot of rambling. Either way, my heart feels lighter.

Peace be with you All,

Phil, Laura and Jadon, too

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Made Whole Again

Saturday morning, as Phil & I walked to the orphanage sight to check on construction and spend some time with our workers, my heart was tugging at me to go visit one of our neighbors. (Read more about our neighbor here.)

We've mentioned her before. She is suffering from complications of HIV, and she has tried to get better. She has had malaria and other illnesses the last few months, and she was extremely ill in March. On Easter Sunday, she accepted Jesus and her health started to get better. For a few weeks, we would go visit her and we would find her getting better & better. She started eating more and more, and she began to gain strength.

Suddenly, about two weeks ago, she took a turn for the worst. When she was feeling better, she would sit outside and she had the strength to chat for a few minutes. But as she became very ill, she would stay in one place in the house, vomiting and using the bathroom wherever she was laying. Her mother did her best to clean up after her, bathe her and care for her, but it wasn't enough.

When we finished up our work Saturday afternoon, we were walking home. We decided NOT to stop and visit with her, as we needed to be at church to go visit another family who had just lost their father. For some reason, my mind kept going back to her yesterday, and even this morning.

Then yesterday morning, Phil went to drop off cement around 7am to our workers. I decided to stay back at home & get ready for church. Phil had forgotten his phone and he had been gone for some time. When he finally came into the house, I saw there was something wrong just by the look in his eyes. He told me that our neighbor passed away, around 8-9am on Sunday morning.

I couldn't believe what he was saying. She was getting better! However, I knew in the back of my mind the last few weeks she had been very ill, but I don't think I was willing to accept it. I couldn't help myself - I was so disappointed that she lost the fight. I cried for a few minutes, remembering her frail figure, wishing I had more time to get to know her. I have to be honest - I had big plans for that girl! I wanted her to come work with us when she was well, and educate others about HIV/AIDS. I was so heart broken.

BUT God reminded me of the truth - she is whole again. She isn't suffering, trying to keep down a few sips of water and trying to get up enough strength to talk or cry. She is whole - the way God made her. She is dancing in heaven, celebrating a beautiful, short life.

While my tears are full of a mix of sadness & joy, they are also full of relief for her family. I know how difficult the financial and emotional burden had been, let alone the physical stress of caring for her. She was only 21 years old, and on Mother's Day, we spent a lot of time standing in prayer for her mother.

I can't imagine burying a child. I pray that I never have to, but we are praying for comfort for those mother's who have lost their children. I am praying for the children who have never known a mother's love, and I'm pulling all our little loves a little closer today, telling them how much I love each of them.

This life is short, friends. Don't hold back - chase those dreams, forgive more, love fiercely, and never settle. Don't look back on yesterday like I am now, wishing I had sat with my friend once more. I'm holding my family close today, and praying for peace for our community here.

Peace to you and yours,

Phil, Laura and Jadon, too

Friday, April 29, 2016

30 to 10

Cement, bad roads, several thousand 20cm blocks, 6mm, 10mm & 12mm iron rods, truck loads of rocks and truck loads of sand later, we are running towards the finish line of completing the first children's home!

The frustrations, challenges, and emotional days have been many, with easy days mixed in between. We wouldn't have it any other way. The amount of encouragement and support and love from people near & far has rekindled a place in my faith that I had no idea needed to be rekindled. 

These 2 are always laughing & smiling!
 This project is meant to change the lives of the children & families we will be ministering to, but I think it will end up changing us more than we ever imagined. I have been challenged on a daily basis to trust God, lean on His understanding and not my own. I have been knocked off my feet a few times by some of the most unbelievable miracles, and this is only 8 months in! I can't even begin to think about what we will see God do in a year, two or ten!

We can't wait to open our doors. We are bursting at the seems everyday, just praying that we can take a deep breath and hang on a few more months while the house is completed. But obviously, we MUST finish the house first before we can get started, so clearly we are going to have to cool our jets and give this patience-thing a try. 

Speaking of finishing - this building is going to cost us about $10,000 more, of which we have yet to raise. So, we're launching our "30 in 10" campaign, starting on May 9th. We are going to raise $10,000 in just 30 days. That is only $333.33 a day. TOTALLY doable! Especially with your help. Dig up a little extra cash and jump in with us. I promise you will not regret partnering with us.

They love to play with the camera & see the photos

There were so many times in my life that I mindlessly spent at least $50-$100 on eBay or Amazon, in just a few clicks! Instead of mindlessly browsing, send us your extra cash. This is a meaningful, life giving, world changing thing that we are getting to do. We can't do it alone. Help "30 in 10" get this building finished so we can be fully operational. 

We'll be posting some fun videos, interviews and personal stories about the people who have made this project possible, and the people who God has used to move mountains here in this community. We'll be sharing photos & videos about some of the families & children we are working with, and you'll hear first hand from the little ones themselves! Watch for daily emails and links starting on the day we kick off - May 9th! 

Let's get this thing done once and for all - it will only take 30 days to secure a future for children who have been severely mistreated or abandoned. YOU can change the future for that small, precious child. Together, we can do far more than we ever imagined! Like Nike says - JUST DO IT!

Here we go - 30 to 10!


Phil and Laura, & Jadon, too

Saturday, April 23, 2016

What Vacation?!

I had BIG plans for this week off from school. Like sleeping past 5am, reading a new book, and possibly taking a few hours to relax at the beach. Well, my week of vacation is over, and I can honestly say I only did one of those things! I did get to sleep past 5am every day, which was a blessing in itself. But between lesson planning for my next term at school, hauling cement, running to the EDM - electric office every day, and coordinating with the companies that deliver trucks of sand & rocks to our job site, I feel like I need a mini-vacation from this "vacation."

It was a great week with a lot of great obstacles but God saw us through each one. We've had 20 ton trucks stuck in the creek leading up to our land, which delayed sand & rocks for a few days. The truck also did a fabulous job of destroying our already delicate road. Ugh. We worked a little bit on the road today and it looks better. The trucks have been able to pass again and it doesn't seem to be giving us too much trouble. Praise the Lord!

Our road, if you can call it that...
We now have a concrete slab to work with and our bricklayer will be starting on the walls on Monday! Only a few weeks and we'll see something that looks like a house. Everyday it looks more and more real, more and more like the drawings we've been staring at for so long. Watching it come to life is beautiful. 

Celebratory sugar cane eating!
We've also been waiting for the final electrical install to take place. We've waited & waited & waited some more, in typical Moz style! Everything takes an act of God to get people to move to action. It is not easy but today we saw the fruit of our semi-patience. There is now LIGHT inside our storage area and guard's house. It was a beautiful sight to see those light bulbs come on! We clapped and shouted with joy, and then we prayed with all our little groupies to thank God for being so faithful, even when we weren't so patient. We should have a pump next week for water!

And then, there was light!
These are the groupies. I call them groupies because they follow Phil around (they call him Uncle Phil - Tio File) and won't leave his side whenever he is working at the construction site. He loves them each and we've finally learned everyone's name! That is a big deal for us. We don't learn names easily. I constantly forget so seeing them everyday has made a big difference, too. 

The groupies with Tio File
They are great kids with big personalities. They are smart and sweet and sassy and loud and fun. I love spending time with them. The groupies make the hard days easier, and the easy days feel like the best days of our ministry. They make all the stress worth it. I pray they will be our game changers in this country - that they will each have a sense of confidence like no generation before. Like a new generation that has not been oppressed and taken advantage of. I pray for these sweet faces daily & I know our mighty God hears. 

As we close out our 8th month here, yes - it has been almost 8 months - we are amazed at what God has done for us. Speechless, really. There are no words. We can't wait to see how He finishes this building. 

Foundation - solid & strong! Finished!

Speaking of finishing - we are lacking about $10,000 for the 2nd floor of the building. We have raised enough to complete the first floor, but we'll have to stop when we get to the second floor & roof. We need YOU. Yes, YOU!! It would only take 100 people to give $100 and boom - we'd be done! Or, 10 people to donate $1,000! Help us meet this goal so we don't have to stop. 

We serve a faithful God. If you don't know God, message me. Let's talk. He has been so faithful to me that I can't wait to tell you about Him. His love will transform your life. 


Phil, Laura and Jadon, too

Friday, April 1, 2016

The End of a Messy, Beautiful Month

The month of March was a month full of steep, steep inclines that felt never ending. Some days I felt like we were sliding back more than we were gaining by trying to go forward. I have never seen these kinds of lows and lowers in a month. H.O.N.E.S.T.L.Y.

By the 3rd week of the month, I was ready to get to April. I was ready to move on. I was ready to let go of March and start over with a new, shiny, better month that wasn’t going to try and kill us. But yesterday, the 31st of March, changed how I see this entire year.

The 31st of March is typically the day we enjoy a delicious meal and some kind of amazing chocolate dessert, as it’s my dad’s birthday. Along with getting to celebrate with him from the other side of the world, we celebrated major miracles that we now see God has been working on, just for us.

There were so many things that came together yesterday that I am still having a difficult time trying to wrap my head around everything. First off, we’ve been trying to send some money to China to purchase some much-needed construction supplies that we are unable to get here.  The process to send money out of the country has been a nightmare and we’ve been trying since Monday to do so. Finally, Thursday came, and we were able to send the money, no problem.

Despite the challenges, the building continues!
Then, the only vehicle we have, our van, suddenly healed itself! The van is used as not only our work truck (since our truck was stolen in January – more on that later) but as our only means of transportation. We noticed a few weeks ago the van was idling when in park, and we started to worry a little bit. We consulted with a mechanic friend, we did the suggested repair, and it still didn’t stop. We changed filters, and did a few other small things, but nothing. Suddenly, it stopped this weird idling yesterday, on the 31st. I was so thrilled! We sent money that needed to go, and then the car fixed itself. But the day kept getting better and better.

We’ve been feeling overwhelmed by how much we have on our plate, and we’ve been trying to figure out a way to cut out the unnecessary. As of yesterday, a long, stressful drive each morning (on a terrible road) has been cut down to a short and sweet drive, just taking minutes for me to get to school each day. Then, a student I’ve been tutoring decided to stop lessons after yesterday, so I definitely took this as a sign that God is lightening our load for us – we didn’t even have to make any hard decisions!

Another miracle is that we’ve been waiting on a check from a previous employer, and we were starting to think it wasn’t ever coming. But miraculously, on the 31st of March, we received news that the check arrived and was deposited for us. Seriously, after all the wonderful news and the miracles, I was starting to think that the last day of March is the best day EVER. And then God just blew us out of the water with more…

We purchased a small truck back in November, and when it arrived in Nampula, we decided it wasn’t something we really needed, so we decided to sell it. To make a long story short, it was stolen during the process of selling it. Ouch. It was heart breaking. This happened the middle of January, so by now, we had just accepted the truck was gone, and we gave it over to God.

We had kept in touch with the detective helping us with the case, and they had given us hopeful news last week that they knew where the guy was that stole the truck. So, yesterday, March 31st, we received a phone call that the thief had been caught. We went today to the police station to confirm it was him, and sure enough, it was the guy.

I promise there is an electric post back there!
 And lastly, God topped March off with one more huge miracle. Many of you know we have been waiting and waiting and waiting for electricity to be installed for the orphanage. We have gone to the electric company and asked for help, begged for assistance, gone from the top to the bottom and back up again, and then had to ask for more help!

God amazingly helped us to raise the necessary $1,000 needed to do the installation in less than one week. Seriously?! How amazing is that!!! God is so good. And after we had been waiting to hear from the engineer for over a WEEK on when it would be installed, the workers suddenly showed up, YES – MARCH 31st – and made it happen. We now have power!

After all of the amazing things that came together yesterday, I was thinking back on all the crazy, frustrating battles from the other 30 days. And the truth is this: God never left us. When everything felt like it was falling apart, and we were asking God to gives us strength to keep going & not give up, He was sustaining us. BUT – He was also working on our behalf, breathing life into the dark places, and setting fire to the things that He wanted to use to show us that He is God.

You blew us away, God, with your goodness and careful attention to each detail yesterday! The fact that God’s very character, LOVE, can be seen in each miracle, the big and the small, in the mundane and the miraculous, makes me appreciate the mess that was the month of March. We walked through some hard stuff, but God never took a break. If anything, our faith and trust has been refreshed, renewed, and built up, because God never fails.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Death Has Lost its Sting

This Easter was a true day of celebrating all that Jesus has done for us on the cross. But all the circumstances were so wrong today for a day of celebrating our Savior. I don't think I slept more than 3 hours last night, J woke up with a cough & fever, and we were super late to church. Not a great start to any Sunday, let alone this special day that brings LIFE to our faith! However, the day turned out to be a beautiful reminder of what it means to follow Jesus.

How this day turned out to be so beautiful has a lot do with what we've been going through on a daily basis with the construction. We have been getting to know some of our neighbors near our soon-to-be-home and orphanage. At first, whenever we passed by, even when we would say hello, no one in the family would respond. They would look right passed us as though we didn't even exist. This went on for a few weeks. Later, our van got stuck in the sand right outside of their house. We asked for help and a shovel and the whole family refused and sat back to watch me and Phil struggle to push the van out until we finally were successful.

A few months later, we were walking past the house when we noticed the family's friend had a car. His car, like our own many times before, was buried in the sand. We didn't wait for them to ask - we shoved and pushed the car out, and reminded the family that it's always good to help each other, after all we are neighbors!

Since that day, the family would say hello and help push our van out anytime we are stuck in the sand. (We seriously need to invest in a 4x4 vehicle!!) We occasionally bring gifts for the family - like vegetables they don't grow or a bag of rice or juice - and they occasionally invite us to eat beans & rice with them at lunch time. Our relationship is developing and we are slowly planting seeds about Jesus.

About 6 weeks ago, we learned that one of the children of the house is extremely ill. She isn't really a child - she's 21 - but if you saw how emaciated and weak she is, you may think she's no more than 10 or 11.

The family explained that she first became sick about 4 months ago with malaria and she never got better. This is the story we believed until we saw her today and took her to church. The moment my eyes met her weak body this morning, I had to bite my cheek to hold back the tears. Her breathing was extremely labored and she had no energy. She couldn't walk at all. She looked much worse this morning than the very first time we met her.

I carried her into church after watching her mom struggle to get her out of the van, and I don't think she weighed as much as Jadon. We prayed and prayed for her, and concluded that she is now our daughter. We must help her. After all, Jesus said to love God first, and then love your NEIGHBOR as yourself.

At church, both mother and daughter decided to follow Jesus. Our pastoral staff talked with them and prayed with them, and both agreed to come to church whenever possible. It was so beautiful to watch a mother, desperate for hope, jump right into knowing more about Jesus and committing her life to follow him! Even though the daughter was so weak she had to lay on the floor of the church, she said yes, she wants to know Jesus more. There is nothing more beautiful than seeing hope in the eyes of the hopeless, life in the eyes of the lifeless.

After church, we begged both mother and daughter to let us go to the hospital, possibly to test her for TB, but the mother said no. It's not TB. The daughter said, "I'm positive." We asked if that meant she has HIV. With the last bit of strength in her body, she moaned and shook her head yes. The mother explained that she has to have medications everyday at the hospital for 2 1/2 months, but they haven't been able to do so consistently because of the transport money - 50 meticais per day, approximately $0.88 - less than a dollar. The cost is too great for the family to bear.

This girl literally can not walk from the car into the house. I carried her 3 times today and it was like carrying Jadon. I could feel every bone in her body. I can't help but cry and cry over this beautiful girl. She is ours to care for, and we'll do anything we can to help. We've already arranged reliable transport for her daily so she can get her medications, and we're committed to praying for a future for this new daughter of ours. We see her daily, and we will continue to do so until she begins to get her strength back.

Please pray with us that God will give her back her strength and that the medications will work on her weak body, to give it life again. With people, there are so many things that are impossible, but with God, ALL THINGS are possible! After all, is this not the very reason Jesus laid down his life? He died so we can live!

On this resurrection day, Jesus showed us to have no fear, because he is ALIVE. We have no fear for the future of this new daughter because Jesus has already overcome death and death has FOREVER lost its sting.

***********Note: As you can see, I didn't post a picture of our neighbor here. I don't think she needs anyone to gawk at her, we just need to pray. God will do the rest. When she is in a better state, I'll ask her permission to use her photo so I can introduce you to her properly.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Standing on a firm Foundation!

Phil helping J with his itchy chicken pox! 
The last 3 weeks have been like a tornado, hurricane and a nice, calm breeze, all at once. Jadon came down with some form of chicken pox, and I (Laura) had a nice case of malaria. After a few days of antibiotics for me, I was fine. But Jadon's chicken pox were awful. The size and the amount he had were truly horrific. I felt for my boy, and leaving him each day to go teach in the mornings was rough.

After missing almost 2 weeks of school, he finally is better! He healed so well, didn't scratch at all and he never had a fever. I am grateful for how well he did. He listened to us when we begged him not to scratch, and explained that he could spread them or make them even worse. He was a real trooper and I'm so glad he is better.

I am now fighting some kind of chicken pox infection as well. It looks similar to chicken pox, but I had them as a child so I'm not too sure. They don't seem to be contagious but they are painful and very itchy. I'm taking some medicine to help and using some cream for the itching, but I'm over it. Seriously. Over. It. I have been sick off and on since the beginning of the year, and I am so done.

So I'm praying for this rash or chicken pox or shingles or whatever it is to leave me now and that God would heal me inside and out so I will no longer get sick this year! God can do it and I trust Him to be my doctor. Our family has certainly been attacked this year by all this sickness and we are praying that this is the END. (I have to say, though - my husband deserves a gold medal for all the nursing he has done - from the dirty jobs to just loving on us extra, he really deserves an honorary degree or something by now!)

Setting of the corner stone by our pastor - Pastor Ben!
Besides all the sickness, we are in high spirits! The calm breeze in all of this has certainly been the fact that the work on site has continued at a rapid pace. We have water on site for the orphanage, and we have a completed storage and guard house. The foundation digging started about 10 days ago, and in just 1 short week, the brick layer is preparing to pour the foundation, most likely the end of next week. The walls will then go up towards the end of the month, and the second floor decking will be prepped the beginning of April.

We had a small ceremony at the beginning of the week to set the first stones of the foundation. Phil and I each put a stone in place, along with those individuals that have been pillars here for us, and our Pastor, Benedict. It was a great time of celebration, and it was short and sweet. We committed the location and building to the Lord, and we prayed for continued blessings on the land that will change the future for so many little people for the good of this country, and this world!

Completed storage and guard's house!
We are anticipating having the 2nd floor of the building completed by the end of April or middle of May, and moving in shortly there after. We are so excited and I honestly CAN NOT WAIT! We will need to have an inspection completed, and then we will be approved for a certain number of children. We are looking at opening our doors as an orphanage in June.

The progress of the building has gone on despite the illnesses, despite any set backs - and we have had a LOT of set backs. There have been major problems with our brick layer and his team, and we recently had another car accident with a drunken bicyclist, but I will save that for another day. (Don't worry - it wasn't a big deal.)

As we continue into this project, we are spending and spending on cement and rocks. It is crazy how much it costs to make a giant slab of concrete to put an entire HOUSE on top! But we thank God because we have NEVER gone without. Any time we have needed ANY thing, we have been victorious.

2nd load of rocks - 20 tons!
As we continue up to the 2nd floor, we will be short on materials and by then, finances as well. If you have been on the fence about partnering with our organization, now is REALLY the time! We are in a very exciting
phase of construction, and if we have to stop due to funding, we would be setting the building and opening of the orphanage back by months.

We would love to partner with you so we can help this community blossom in the best way God sees fit! You can always give through our website:, using Paypal. You can always mail donations to: 35 E Animas Village Lane, Durango, CO 81301.

Every cent counts and nothing is too small! We are blessed to have partners who have made big sacrifices to continue pledging monthly support, and to each of you we are grateful. We know that God will bless you for your faithfulness!

The corner of the building - foundation started!
God has been so faithful - even in the most difficult and trying times. We know this is a journey that will change us, that will change this community, and that we pray God will use to change the world. I pray that today, as you go about your usual Sunday routine, you find something extra ordinary from God. If you have dreams and big hopes to do something in this world, He will fight for you. Never let the fear of money or any other provision stop you.

We certainly have no regrets in this journey, but I must admit I have one. I regret that I didn't have the courage and the faith to do this sooner. I regret that I let fear and worry take over my thoughts, when God could have filled that void and grown my faith. But, I am grateful that God never stopped quietly whispering to us, and sometimes shouting, that the time is now and that He has prepared the way for us. How amazing the God of the UNIVERSE loves us so much that he quietly and gently deals with us at times?! I'm in awe of what He has accomplished on our behalf. We can't wait to see what God will do next!


Phil, Laura and Jadon, too