Thursday, November 3, 2016

Wait, October's over?

Well, hello there, it?! Just so November is aware, I'm in complete denial that you are here. Just FYI. Because if NOVEMBER is here, it means our team from the U.S. has already come and gone, just like that. POOF - here. BAM - gone. Did I miss something? Did they really come and then leave already? I feel like maybe I had a dream that our team was here and then I woke up and it didn't really happen.

Community outreach to families fostering children
But as I look back on the month of October, they definitely were here. I keep finding pictures of us with the team of 3 (including both my parents, Keith & Barb, and our friend, Marisa), finding little pieces of evidence in Jadon's stuff - seashells, Lego pieces, new clothes, new shoes - and we have some how acquired this amazing coffee from 81301 Coffee Roasters (Thanks Mark & Shelly!!), all the way from DURANGO, CO! So clearly, I've finally accepted that I wasn't dreaming and they were actually here - 10,000+ miles from their cozy little town.

Now that I'm slowly coming out of denial, I'm moving towards acceptance and realizing their trip here was a HUGE step for this organization. We were able to show a group of people our hard work, God's amazing provisions & grace, and the people who we serve each day. They were able to take away their own stories, learn the faces & names of the children who are suffering, and meet others who have the same passion and goals in mind - to prevent children from becoming orphans & eliminate the need for orphanages all together.

Giving beans & rice to families supporting orphaned children
Each team member was able to make their own case as to why this ministry and work in Mozambique is so important. They saw the water, the electricity and the soon to be children's home. They met our team of builders, our friends, our church family, and they became connected forever. This team became part of this great story, a great story full of failure, joy, success, peace and LOVE. This story is a great story because the Author loves us so surely, so deeply. He writes beautiful pages that often contain our horrid errors and lack of faith, but He knows that we are a beautiful mess because we are His.

Watching God knit this story together has been one of the most beautiful, trying, frustrating, faith building and life-giving experiences I've ever had. And now, three other people have witnessed the unfolding story that God started years ago. His timing is truly impeccable.

If you're wondering when we'll FINALLY move into the children's home and start operating, just know that we are CLOSE. We are about 2 weeks away from moving in. We start the inspection process and licensing planning tomorrow with the local social action office, and then we'll go from there.

Windows, doors & water - all that's keep us from moving in! 

Stay tuned for why November is a really BIG month for Heart for the Needy - it's historically the month where God surprises us and works HUGE miracles on our behalf. We know that November 2016 will be no different and we are expecting great provisions for 2017 from this month alone.

Keep walking alongside us as we get our heads back on straight and start into the next phase! And if it's been a while since you've heard from us, please understand this season has been difficult in more ways than we care to explain. We've experienced every possible human emotion, sometimes all at once and sometimes all in the same day. BUT! We know God is using every moment, every experience to prepare us for the years to come in Mozambique.

You'll soon get to hear more from our team and their experiences here in Mozambique. Follow us so you don't miss out!

Can't wait to get started in this next phase!

Tired but BLESSED,

Phil & Laura, and Jadon, too

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