I don’t like giving nonsense attention. Nonsense becomes a
distraction from what really ACTUALLY matters: a distraction from the truth, a
distraction from what God desires for us to spend our energy and time on. However, I think the world likes
nonsense. Every time I get on the Internet, there is some kind of nonsense
distraction: 10 ways to make blah blah blah better; some semi-famous someone
showed up to some awards show wearing next to nothing; some giant coffee company (with terrible coffee) offends the world with a red cup, etc.

Here is why nonsense is soooooo detrimental to our culture
today: it becomes our focus. Being distracted isn’t really the problem; the
issue is that we begin to see the distraction as our main focus, leaving behind
the most important values we claim to hold on to as believers. One of the values
that is slowly slipping away is community.
I love to say the word “community.” I can’t say it without
smiling or thinking about times in my life when I had amazing community. The
best time of my life, when I had amazing community, has gone. Yes, I said it,
gone. And, mostly because it’s my own fault. We’ve moved a few times in the last
2 years, and it takes a toll. I’ve always loved being engaged in my community
and church, and in the last 2 years, I’ve really withdrawn myself. I have no
idea why, other than I was nervous. I wasn’t sure we could find people to mesh
with – people who could understand how crazy our lives are and understand how
we don’t have a lot of time for much other than work and family. Of course, we
wanted God at the center of everything, but we weren’t prioritizing Him well.
We put Him at the back of our minds instead of at the front.
When we began to feel God tugging at our hearts and minds at
the beginning of the year, pulling distractions from us little by little, I
personally felt a lot of disconnect with God. I had been working, on average,
60+ hours a week in child protection, which is a very rewarding job. However,
it took the life out of me. I enjoyed every minute of it, but that career is a
very traumatizing one, with countless hours spent without pay, and without your
family. It was flexible at times, so I enjoyed the flexibility, but in the end,
it took as much energy from me as working 2 full time jobs. I didn’t have my
priorities straight, and I fell out of sync in my relationship with God. He
knew that by drawing me closer to this project I would naturally draw back to
Him, which is exactly what happened.
I now look around me and see that even in Mozambique, I can
easily become distracted again. I have to refocus myself at times when I feel
anxious or worried. We are also slowly growing a community around ourselves
again, full of people both near and far, who love us, help guide us
spiritually, and help us to grow in our relationship with the Lord.
Moving back to Mozambique has definitely grown my
relationship with God over the last year and trusting Him to provide guidance,
financial means and support. I trust Him for every need, and I no longer worry about
ANY T-H-I-N-G. Honestly. For example, we need $30,000 to start building our
orphanage. We need a large dump truck for building the orphanage, which will
cost around $10,000. Countless other needs and small obstacles, not to mention
our own personal financial needs. At this stage in my life, I trust God to meet
each need. NONE of these things make me even bat an eye. I have not a single
doubt in my mind that God will meet every need.

So, my dear friend, if you are distracted or out of sync in
your relationship with God, sit down and look at your priorities. Make a plan
of how to get them back into shape. Make a list of what you want your
priorities to be, and then work backwards from there. I know my life has been
forever changed because God comes first now. This doesn’t guarantee that life
will be any easier, however, it does guarantee an amazing sense of peace in the
midst of it all. And, never under estimate the power of a community of people
who will love you, lift you up when you feel like you can’t go on, and help you
to grow in your relationship with God. We were created for community so don’t
neglect it!
If you think of us in the coming weeks, please pray for us
and our financial needs. We know that God is great and He will work all of this
out in His timing, and better than we ever imagined. We would be honored to
pray for you as well, whatever you are walking through. Email us at
heartfortheneedy@gmail.com, or comment below and we’ll add you to our prayer
With lots of love,
Phil & Laura, and Jadon, too
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