These are seriously the best we could do... |
Christmas Eve is always a SUPER busy day for us as we have a huge party with the kids in our neighborhood! We typically we have over 100 kids and we cook all day, and then party all afternoon. It's pure organized chaos and it hurts the small part of my type A self that's still trapped somewhere inside my brain. The rest of me that's become some kind of type X loves it. I think I like type X.
Games with the neighborhood kids before dinner |
We had a great time playing games, singing, dancing, praying and just enjoying this beautiful country and its beautiful children. All of the kids come dressed up, ready to have fun and excited for a hearty dinner. We tend to sugar them up a bit, too!
Seriously......... |
Our attempt at Christmas photos is pretty dodgy at best, but we tried! In true Moz fashion, the boys' capulana shirts weren't ready as the tailor just couldn't get it all done, but the girls and I loved our new dresses!
More games and singing |
I think it's safe to say we're all exhausted, with bellies full of goat meat, and heads filled with another year of awesome memories. This is year 3 of our Christmas Eve tradition, and I can't imagine spending the day doing anything else as we celebrate our Savior.
JoJo wasn't haven' it
Merry Christmas to all our loved ones, near and far, close in love & truth.
Lots of love,
Laura, Phil and our tribe