We've unpacked and repacked very large, heavy suit cases many times. Infact, it seems like we've packed and unpacked at least 8,000,000 times. Okay, maybe I'm over exaggerating a little. I am a bit dramatic at times. Not like full on drama queen or bridezilla, but dramatic. Mildly dramatic. Anyway, I FEEL like I've packed and unpacked and repacked many more times than I actually have.
If you know me well, I like packing. It is the "UN" part of anything that I don't like. For example, un-pack, or un-answered or un-announced. I don't even like the word underwear because it starts with UN, which usually means there is more work or discomfort. Either way, I simply enjoy the packing phase. However, after getting rid of so many THINGS I thought we would be better off when it came down to the actual jump-across-the-giant-pond-packing-marathon. But, alas, it really didn't change the 6 suit case, 70 pounds per bag, limit.
When I think about packing my short 28 years into 6 large suit cases, I KNOW it's not a problem. But, I have a child who loves books and cars, and an awesome husband who is WAY more into fashion than I could ever be, sooooo....he has great shoes!! He has a lot of, uh.....great shoes, and clothes. He's a bargain shopper but he likes nice shoes and he'll hunt & hunt until he gets a cheap deal. I love my husband, and I'm not putting this out here for all of you wonderful people to see me shaming my husband, but the man has a shoe problem!! Okay, again...maybe adding in some drama, but we had to have a talk - I call it a shoe-ter-vention.
So finally I said today, "You have got to do something about the shoes, I mean come on. For the LOVE!!!" (I am a HUGE fan, by the way, of Jen Hatmaker, and her new book, For the Love, which is totally rocking my night time readings and giving me some serious encouragement all at the same time.) After some talking, he agreed to cut back on some of the things he packed, but not the shoes. He said to me, exactly in his own words, "The clothes will go before the shoes. I've had most of those shoes for at least 8 years." Honestly, I appreciated his honesty. And now I know if I throw anything out of his bag, the clothes go first!
While we are pretty much ready, minus the juggling of bags and weight and shoes and what not, we ARE ready. I think emotionally ready. Thankfully, a lot of the heavy lift and difficulty in this process was finished long ago - back in June. We rented our house, sold our car, totaled out the car I wrecked in May, and then we gave our dog, Ozzie, to a sweet, loving home. I have no idea how all of the pieces of the puzzle came together so quickly, or so perfectly, and the only way it all happened is this - God's timing. EVERY last detail has been put together - not by me, or Phil, or our board of directors, but God, all by Himself. He knew it was time, He knows it is time, and He is making it happen.
People have been saying a lot lately, "Wow!! That's so great!! Aren't you scared, though? Worried? Nervous?" Honestly, yes, to all of the above! I know for myself, I have been running through about 800 emotions (sorry, exaggerating again) every day. I get SO excited about going back to the culture, people, and country that God created & knit together, and has given us the opportunity to return to. Then, I stress over packing too much or too little, or I worry that we haven't said goodbye to someone who we might really hurt, and then I go back to being excited to see family & friends. It's kind of like riding the tea cup ride at Disney Land - at first it's really fun, and then you get a little dizzy, and then it's fun again, and then you're finally ready for the stinkin' ride to just STOP!! I feel like the planning has been coming for so many year, for so long, and now that it's here, let's GO!! But there is so much to do in just the next 6 short days. I mean, Durango, hello?! There is so much I'll miss about my hometown. We'll try to pack as much fun & time with family & friends over the next 6 days, and then, just as quickly as the dream started, we'll be off to begin again.
I think we'll be fine. The flights are long, and the schedule of flights is a little weird, but I am so thankful for a wonderful God who has taken a dream and turned it into reality. That's not to say there hasn't been hard work, and often times many tears of frustration or disappointment, but God has always had this dream in the palm of His hand. He knew the best time, the best place and the best way to begin this journey. I'm praying that we'll fix our eyes on Him during the journey and enjoy the ride. After all, life is meant to be lived - it is a gift, and we intend to chase our dreams until God calls us home.
Friday, August 21, 2015
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
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Watermelon Carving by Chef Safari |
This last week has felt like one long, crazy day that won't end! But it's that good feeling of crazy, where you go to bed so tired it doesn't matter how much sleep you get, it will never be enough! And your body and feet hurt so bad you just want to take a bath, or at least sit down for longer than 30 seconds. All that said, it was so much fun. I still don't know how God did it but the fundraiser was a huge success and we added more money to our building fund. I think we can now safely say we can build about 1/3 of our first building. YAY!!!
If you missed the fundraiser, seriously - WHAT were you THINKING?!!! Okay, maybe all the caps were a little harsh, but lets be honest, in the little town of Durango, Colorado, where can you have an ethnically diverse meal? I don't think I have ever had African food in town anywhere, and the meal was a deal! Chef Safari is an amazing chef, and he works full time at the Strater Hotel. Between working his regular hours at the hotel, Chef put in another 12 hours putting together amazing spice combinations and flavors that made the roasted goat and the oxtail stew mind blowing!! I'm not even kidding - I've had several dishes Chef Safari has made, but these kept my brain wondering what in the world he was putting on the meat and the veggies and the rice and the dessert. Everything was amazing, and the fellowship was fabulous. Phil and I were able to share our hearts about this project and why we sold everything, rented out our home, sold our cars, and why we are moving our family to Mozambique in 2 weeks!!
Sharing our dream always inspires me. If you have a dream that you haven't spoken to anyone about, I would encourage you.......LET IT OUT!! Of course, find someone you can trust, someone who will encourage you and pray for that journey with you. But there is power to letting it out of your brain and even just putting it on paper. I believe God created us to be more successful and fulfill our dreams when we partner with others who will work along side us. After all, we were CREATED for community!
As we prepare to leave in the next 2 weeks, there is one thing I would like to ask of anyone reading this - prayer. We would appreciate every prayer lifted up on our behalf. The transition into life in Mozambique will be quite a challenge at first, and now we have a 5 year old kindergartner to think of as well, so please pray that Jadon will adjust & grow to love the country and people we love! Please also pray for provisions - we have put all our "eggs" into opening the orphanage and we are trusting God to provide, so please pray for us to also trust Him.
And one last thing - if you missed out on the fundraiser, Chef Safari's culinary creations can be tasted at the Mahogany Grill & the Strater Hotel any night of the week. He has become such a wonderful part of the Durango community in the short time he has been here. He is not only a kind man, who volunteered many hours working with us to make 2 fundraisers happen in the last 3 months, but he has a spirit about him. Anytime I am near him, or his sweet wife, Lucy, I feel inspired. I remember that every struggle comes to an end, and God fulfills his promises. I will forever be grateful to the Strater for bringing Chef here, and to God for uniting us all together for His greater purpose.
We'll keep you posted, right here, about any needs, stories of success and I'm sure at some point, stories of struggles and failures while in Mozambique. If you would like to help make this orphanage a reality, you can donate on a monthly basis or send one time donations to: 35 E Animas Village Lane, Durango, CO, 81301. All donations are tax deductible.
The countdown will surely get away from us. We are down to days now, not months or weeks. We can't wait to update you on our progress. Until then, God bless you!
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