Where do I even begin to explain the craziness that was Phil's recent journey to Mozambique?! I can't describe the frustration and tears that we BOTH felt the first 7 days of his 13 day journey. I will warn you right now - this will be kinda long, but the story of what God did will amaze you, especially if you have ever been to a 3rd world country. But if you stick it out, I promise you will be just as amazed as I am that so much was accomplished! So read on, friends, and discover the exciting next phase to opening this orphanage for those sweet babies. And, read our EXCITING NEWS!!!
First, let me apologize this took so long. However, God has been moving greatly in our lives and we needed to spend some time praying and fasting before we addressed what God was telling us to tell the world, so to speak. Phil's journey was amazing. He had trouble in every stage of his trip. Apparently, South Africa has a new law, adopted in 2011, that any person who is NOT a citizen of the U.S. must have a transit Visa to even pass through their airport, even if you are not leaving the airport. (Phil only has a Green Card at this point, and we are getting ready to submit his application for U.S. Citizenship.)
Because of this new law, when Phil arrived on the first stop of his flight in London, they would not allow him to get on his flight to South Africa!! Thankfully, God intervened and the staff members were very kind and accommodating. They helped re-route Phil's flight through Kenya and then into the capital city of Mozambique, called Maputo.
Once Phil arrived in Maputo, he was able to stay with some friends until the remainder of his flight up to Nampula would be rebooked. (Nampula is about 865 miles from Maputo - a 15 hour bus trip!) Because Phil's original flight was re-routed, the airline in Mozambique refused to honor his ticket from Maputo to Nampula. He tried everything. He begged, he pleaded, he explained the reason why he had to get to Nampula. He even tried to get a bus ticket for the 2 day journey to his destination. No one wanted to listen. Satan was working over time to make sure Phil didn't get the land registered, so we could never get back to Mozambique, so we could never love those sweet kiddos who have no one to tuck them in at night or tell them, "I love you."
To put it nicely, it was a disaster. We spend hours on the phone between the two of us, getting the run around, (and then a huge phone bill!) and becoming very frustrated. But through it all, Phil kept his eye on the prize. If I said he was a trooper, that would be a HUGE understatement.
Finally, Phil expressed his frustration to a friend in Mozambique who lives in another city, not far from Maputo. We prayed for a door to be opened, and then, with one message to a good friend, the doors flew open! Our friend helped Phil get in touch with a person in a position of power and that person lead him to the director of the airline. Phil explained he had to get to Nampula to help get our land registered so we can open an orphanage. The gentlemen who helped him was so kind and receptive, he told Phil, "You won't pay another DIME to get on that flight tomorrow. You are here to help our people! It is the least we can do."
With that said, Phil's last bag FINALLY arrived (He lost all his bags when his flight was re-routed through Kenya) and he took off for Nampula the very next morning! And, the greatest blessing of all: he was able to get a transit Visa for South Africa while waiting in Maputo, so he could fly home through SA without ANY problems!!! God was so faithful the WHOLE time. Satan attacked and God continually crushed every attempt he made to ruin the trip for Phil. At that moment, Phil & I both felt God's presence in this project, and we will NEVER turn back.
Phil only got to spend 5 days in Nampula, and only 3 were working days. In those 3 days, God moved mountains. Phil was able to contact an old friend who lives about 100 yards from our land. She is WONDERFUL!! She is a Mozambican citizen, and she is extremely intelligent and very well educated. She has offered to translate ALL of our documents that must be submitted to legalize our land. I can't share ALL of the details regarding how the process works, as we are afraid that if word gets out we are sharing information, they may not allow the processing to go through. What I CAN tell you is that we are about 2 months away from being able to build on our land!! As soon as all of the documents are approved, we will be able to submit our building plans and begin working towards raising the funds needed to build the first small building on the property, and then a permitter fence.
We are so incredibly fired up about this project now. We can't sit still!! We know God is in all of this, and we are willing to do whatever it takes to get back to Mozambique. We do have some exciting news...first, we will be traveling back to Mozambique, from September 15-27. Our goal is to have the first small building set up so our team can stay in it, and then our team will help in building the permitter fence. If you would like to join our team, we have room for about 6 more people. The cost is about $2500, which will cover flights, room and board, any ground transportation, and most meals. Please see our email address below to request an application.
And, there's more news!! We are willing to do what Jesus asked the rich man to do in the Gospels. If you haven't read the story, you can find it in Matthew 19:16-24. Basically, a rich man asked Jesus how he can get to Heaven, and Jesus tells him to give away everything he has to the poor, and then to come and follow Jesus. Phil & I know how that rich man feels. God has been telling us to give up everything and come follow HIM, and we keep making excuses that we haven't done enough here yet to be prepared to go. Honestly, it is something that I believe we have used as a crutch.
So, we have set a date to MOVE BACK TO MOZAMBIQUE!! We will leave by the beginning of January, of 2015!!! That is only 23 SHORT months away! We have a REAL sense of urgency to get moving. If you would like to partner with us and find out what you can do to help, you can find us on Facebook - facebook.com/HeartForTheNeedy, or email us at Heartfortheneedy@gmail.com.
Thank you for taking the time to read this crazy adventure that God has blessed us to be on!! And, here's to Africa! Here we COME!!